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October 15, 2010

Don't Make Soy a Staple

by Stephanie Carnes
OHN Contributor

Those who eat soy often point to its consumption in Asia. Although it is true that soy is part of the Asian diet, traditionally it was eaten in its fermented state, processed to remove the toxins, and eaten with meat. In Japan it is eaten with fish, and in China, with pork. It is not considered a replacement for animal foods and never constitutes more than 1 to 2% of total caloric intake. In Japan, the average consumption of soy is 10 grams—about two teaspoons—per day. The same is true of China. In short, although Asians include soy in their diet, they consider it a condiment and eat it in small amounts—never as a staple.

Soy is a heavily promoted food in the United States. Sally Fallon explains that while she was researching phytic acid for her book Nourishing Traditions, she kept reading about the high levels of phytic acid in soy. She found:
  • Reports written by the soy industry in the 1970s on how they were trying to get phytic acid and also enzyme inhibitors out of the soy by processing and how difficult this was to do.
  • The Rackis studies showing the damage to the pancreas of rats consuming processed soy protein in industry-sponsored studies.
  • A quote on how they were going to market soy as a health product to the upscale market in order to have it accepted by the general public.
Soy is a food of modern commerce. It tends to be highly processed and contains lots of phytoestrogens that have negative hormonal effects. People with thyroid problems need to avoid soy altogether. Soy may be a healthy small part of your diet but not a chief food source.

How to Read a Label for Soy

Effective January 1, 2006, foods covered by the FDA labeling laws that contain soy must be labeled in plain English to declare that it “contains soy.” However, there are many foods and products that are not covered by FDA allergen labeling laws, so it is still important to know how to read a label for soy ingredients. The following is a list from Kids With Food Allergies to help you understand the hidden ingredient names for soy protein.

Contains Soy:

Edamame (soybeans in pods)
Hydrolyzed soy protein
Kinnoko flour
Kyodofu (freeze dried tofu)
Miso Natto Okara (soy pulp)
Shoyu sauce
Soy albumin
Soy bran
Soy concentrate
Soy fiber
Soy flour
Soy formula
Soy grits
Soy milk
Soy miso
Soy nuts
Soy nut butter
Soy protein, soy protein concentrate, soy protein isolate

Soy sauce
Soy sprouts
Soya Flour
Soybean granules
Soybean curd
Soybean flour
Soy lecithin*
Soybean paste
Teriyaki sauce
Textured soy flour (TSF)
Textured soy protein (TSP)
Textured vegetable protein (TVP)
Yuba (bean curd)

*Products that are covered by the FDA labeling laws and contain soy lecithin must be labeled "contains soy".

If you are taking part in the OHC Cleansing Plan (Optimal Health Center), it is recommend that you avoid soy altogether. This will give your body a chance to clear out any soy sensitivity. After this plan, you may or may not want to add soy back into your diet as a fermented food in small amounts.

SOURCE: Ten Days to Optimal Health (Amelong 2006)

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