The 9 Best Essential Oils for Weight Loss Support
Losing weight in a healthy manner is an individual journey. For most people this journey must center on balanced nutrition (eating appropriate portions of the right high-quality foods at the right times), burning enough calories (for example, through regular exercise), drinking enough water, getting enough quality sleep, and other important lifestyle adjustments.
Without such key puzzle pieces in place, losing weight in a healthy way isn't really feasible.
However, if you're struggling with your weight loss journey either emotionally or physically despite properly following established weight loss guidelines, there are other tools you can use to help!
One such tool is essential oils.
Certain essential oils can provide a host of health benefits -- such as the ability to reduce anxiety and depression, improve digestion, relieve muscle pain, and reduce inflammation -- that can help you lose weight and become healthier and happier overall.
Using the following essential oils topically, diffusing them, adding a couple of drops to a glass of water, and/or taking them in an enema or suppository can energize you, help curb food cravings, and support you in balancing your body and mind.
Each essential oil listed below provides your body with different benefits, so read about each one carefully in order to choose the oil(s) that will help you the most.

- Peppermint Essential Oil
Peppermint is widely known to boost mental and physical energy.
A 2013 scientific study on the effects of peppermint on athletes notes that "Mint is one of the most famous natural herbs for its analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antioxidant, and vasoconstrictor effects." Because of this, peppermint essential oil can be used to soothe sore muscles and reduce fatigue after a workout. The study found that peppermint essential oil supports respiratory function, and has a positive effect on heart rate, blood pressure, and overall exercise performance.
Use this oil in a diffuser, add a few drops to your bath water to relax and help muscle aches, or rub topically on sore muscles or your stomach. (You may want to dilute with coconut oil or another carrier oil.)
▶︎ PRODUCT DETAILS - Grapefruit Essential Oil
Grapefruit essential oil is a wonderful tool to help you lose weight because it contains limonene, which help break down body fat and support your metabolism.
A study conducted in 2005 found that "The scent of grapefruit oil, and particularly its primary component limonene, affects autonomic nerves, enhances lipolysis through a histaminergic response, and reduces appetite and body weight." Specifically, the study found that a 15-minute exposure to the scent of grapefruit oil three times a week can reduce food intake and body weight.
Apply the oil topically (dilute with a carrier oil first) and/or diffuse daily. You can also add 5-10 drops of this oil to your enema or coffee enema solution, or to a suppository.
▶︎ PRODUCT DETAILS - Lemon Essential Oil
Lemon essential oil is able to enhance your body’s detoxification capabilities, supports healthy digestion, boosts energy levels, reduces inflammation, and promotes the breakdown of body fat.
Additionally, breathing in the scent of lemon is known to improve neurological activity, and has a calming and mood-boosting effect.
Diffuse this oil at home or work, rub on your temples to keep your mind alert, or add a couple of drops to a glass of ice water each day.
▶︎ PRODUCT DETAILS - Ginger Essential Oil
Ginger has been used for centuries to support digestive health. It is an antioxidant, and improves your body’s ability to absorb vitamins and minerals from the food you eat.
Ginger contains gingerols, which reduce inflammation throughout your body, most importantly in your gut. Keeping intestinal inflammation down helps reduce the risk of acquiring certain diseases.
Finally, ginger can also reduce sugar cravings.
Rub ginger essential oil on your stomach, neck, arms, or bottoms of your feet (dilute with a carrier oil first), diffuse, and/or drink a couple of drops in a glass of water daily.
▶︎ PRODUCT DETAILS - Cinnamon Essential Oil
Cinnamon has the remarkable ability to help regulate your blood sugar levels, and can also minimize sugar cravings.
Take a couple of drops of cinnamon in a glass of water before eating a meal, diffuse, or rub on your stomach, back of your neck, or arms (dilute first with a carrier oil).
▶︎ PRODUCT DETAILS - Bergamot Essential Oil
Refreshing and uplifting, bergamot is a wonderful stress reliever and mood booster. Being in a healthy emotional state is an important aspect of losing weight.
Diffuse this oil or rub on the back of your neck to help reduce your stress and anxiety.
▶︎ PRODUCT DETAILS - Sage Essential Oil
Sage (Salvia) has a long history in traditional medicine as an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory agent, and pain reliever. According to a 2013 study, sage may prove to be an effective treatment for many common health concerns and illnesses, including obesity, depression, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.
Diffuse sage oil, or rub on the bottoms of your feet, back of your neck, or arms.
▶︎ PRODUCT DETAILS - Lavender Essential Oil
Lavender is the essential oil that is perhaps best known for helping you relax and sleep well, both of which are important if you wish to optimize your health and lose weight. If you’re having trouble sleeping, you’ll have less energy to work out and live your best life.
There are many ways to incorporate the calming effects of lavender oil into your life: rub a drop or two of lavender essential oil on your temples before sleep or if you’re feeling stressed out or anxious; diffuse in your bedroom or office space; add a few drops of lavender oil to a pre-bedtime bath; rub a couple of drops on your pillowcase or into the collar of your pajamas; or add a few drops to your favorite lotion before applying.
▶︎ PRODUCT DETAILS - Fitness Essential Oil Blend
Several of the essentials oils listed above are combined for you in Rocky Mountain Oils’ Fitness Essential Oil Blend. This blend is formulated to assist in managing the appetite and stop cravings between meals and impulsive eating. Stimulating but grounding, it can lift your mood and relax your stomach. It gives a delicious flavor to water and supports hydration with exercise.
Fitness Blend contains: pink grapefruit, lemon, peppermint, cinnamon bark, celery seed, and ginger root essential oils.
You can add 5-10 drops of this oil to your enema solution or suppository; diffuse the oil in your home; apply topically; or add a couple of drops to a glass of ice water.
Safe Rate of Weight Loss
Whether your goal is to lose a few pounds or 100 pounds, essential oils can play an important role in supporting a successful weight loss journey. Whatever tools you use to support your weight loss, it is essential to lose weight at a safe and steady pace. If you lose weight gradually and steadily, you are more likely to be able to maintain the lower weight you reach. Losing weight slowly also comes with far fewer health risks, such as nutritional deficiencies or losing critical muscle mass.Depending on initial body weight, a reasonable rate of loss for overweight adults is 1 to 2 lbs (up to 1 kg) per week, or 5 to 10% of body weight over 6 months. Example: For a person weighing 250 pounds (113 kg), a healthful 5 to 10% weight loss over 6 months would be 12 to 25 lbs (5 to 11 kg).
▶︎ Learn more about how to healthily lose weight and cleanse your body of toxins using enemas

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Labels: anxiety, blood sugar, depression, essential oils, inflammation, metabolism, weight loss