What Is a Coffee Enema?

A coffee enema is a therapeutic enema that contains
Glutathione is an antioxidant that is key to your body's detoxification abilities. It relieves oxidative stress by reacting to free radicals and making them inert. High levels of oxidative stress can lead to serious health concerns, such as diabetes and cancer, so it's important to keep your glutathione levels up and oxidative stress down.
Coffee enemas stimulate the liver to produce more bile, and cause the muscles of the bile duct to release bile from the gallbladder into the small intestine. This allows the liver to quickly rid itself of harmful toxins, so it can continue to function well and support your overall health.
Coffee enemas are also known to help relieve pain and nausea, reduce inflammation, and increase mental clarity, focus, and energy levels.
How can I make a coffee enema more effective?
While coffee enemas alone are a great health tool, there are multiple ways you can make your coffee enema protocol even more effective:
- Firstly, we recommend doing two therapeutic cleansing enemas beforehand, one with our Frankincense and Myrrh Goat Milk Soap, and the other with our Colon Cleanse Essential Oil Blend and Celtic Sea Salt. These enemas help clear the colon out so you're not potentially absorbing harmful toxins during the coffee enema. These two cleansing provide their own therapeutic benefits, including helping to balance your microbiome.
With the third enema being the coffee enema, this constitutes our3-step enema series protocol. - Secondly, you can add essential oil drops to a coffee enema to help increase the body's glutathione levels beyond what the coffee enema alone can do, and therefore increase the efficacy of your coffee enema. We recommend adding
5-10 drops of Tangerine Essential Oil, Geranium Essential Oil, or our OHN Coffee Enema Essential Oil Blend into your coffee enema solution. Tangerine essential oil also helps remove heavy metals from your body.
These essential oils can also be used to replace the coffee in an enema for people who are sensitive or allergic to coffee or caffeine. - Finally, it is best to use a binding agent when doing a coffee enema. We recommend consuming chlorophyll, which tightly binds the toxins released by the gallbladder so they leave the body and are not reabsorbed through the intestinal wall. Take 4-8 chlorophyll capsules approximately 30 minutes before you start the coffee enema.

Coffee enema tips:
- Make your coffee and water enema solution roughly body temperature (approx. 98°F) for the enema if possible.
- It's best to hold a coffee enema for about
12-15 minutes. If you're not able to hold an enema for that long, that's ok. Just hold it for as long as you're able to! - Frequency — Some people do coffee enemas daily, some people do them a few times a week or month. The optimal frequency depends on your state of health and amount of free time, so it's best to listen to your body, and how the enemas are making you feel, when deciding how frequently to do coffee enemas.
- Location — We recommend doing enemas somewhere you can be comfortable that is also close to a toilet. Many people do enemas either lying in a bathtub or lying on a towel on the bathroom floor.
- Always use coffee that is made for enemas — organic, high in caffeine and palmitates,
low-acid, and lightlyair-roasted for a coffee enema. We recommend OHN's made-for-enema coffee.

Check out these links for more information on coffee enemas:
▶︎ Coffee Enema Instructions▶︎ Coffee Enema Recipes
▶︎ How To Take an Enema Series
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Labels: antioxidants, bile, coffee enema, essential oils, gallbladder, geranium essential oil, glutathione, liver support, microbiome, tangerine essential oil
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