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January 29, 2014

How Do I Use Super Salve for Healing an Anal Fissure?

Here is an example of what our customers are saying about using Super Salve for healing any irritations on the anus, including fissures that doctors say need surgery:


"I have been using this product for only a little over a week now and I can feel the difference in the healing process. I have an anal fissure in the perineal area on the outside which itches and is very painful. I have tried creams and cryotherapy (cold therapy), and to my frustration, none of them worked. But I have tried this wonderful product and it has made an immediate difference!

I walk 40 minutes a day and when my butt rubs together on the fissure, it burns. So, I apply some Super Salve before I go out and it gives me immediate relief! I can actually make it back home without being in pain! I will be purchasing more of this.

Also I use a long colon tube and when inserting and pulling it out, it rubs on the fissure, irritating it. So I apply Super Salve for every insertion and it relieves the pain. I was worried I would have to give up enemas because of using colon tubes, but now I don't have to worry about it. I know I can continue on with the Super Salve. What a great product!"

Super Salve

Instructions to use Super Salve to heal a fissure:

Liberally lubricate the anal area, both externally and along the inner rim of the anal sphincter. It applies easily. Be gentle. You don't need to use a lot, but you can if you find that it is what works best for you. And you don't need to apply the salve inside the anal cavity.

Apply the salve 2-6 times daily. The art of application frequency depends on the fissure and your activity level. Experiment. 

You will need to wash your hands well after application. Our goat milk soaps work well for the hand washing. If needed, use a non-latex glove.

OHN Goat Milk Enema SoapTake a sitz bath (a bath in which you sit in therapeutic water only up to the hips) each day to completely clean the anal area. In this water, add a premixed solution of 1/2 to 1 cup of therapeutic salt with 10-20 drops of Optimal Health Network's Anal Fissure Essential Oil Blend. Again, use our goat milk soap to wash the anal area. Soak in this tub for 10-30 minutes.

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January 23, 2014

Sample Health Consultation with Kristina Amelong

Kristina AmelongAfter reading my book, Ten Days to Optimal Health, Rebecka wanted more hands-on support.

During the phone consultation (lasting an hour and twenty minutes), we documented the details of Rebecka's health journey and developed an understanding of her deeper health goals. The core issues that emerged in this consultation were her struggles around binge eating, how to best fulfill both her physiological and emotional needs for food, a plan to recover from multiple chemical and food sensitivities, keeping her blood sugar balanced, and her need to develop a gentle, but powerful, in-home colon cleanse program.

1. OVERALL PHILOSOPHY or, "When you feel confused, what are your prime directives?"
  • Eat every 2-3 hours
  • No gluten grains or sugary foods
  • Find foods you love and give you a deep sense of fulfillment
  • Keep your blood sugar stable by balancing small amounts of carbohydrates with small amounts of protein and fat each time you eat


Throughout the day:
  • 60-70 oz of alkaline water 

Organic Coconut Oil 6:30 a.m.
  • 4 oz of beef or chicken with cup of bone broth as a soup
  • 1-2 T of coconut oil
  • 6 oz of non-starchy vegetables
  • Sauerkraut juice
  • Homemade sour cream made in yogurt maker

9:30 a.m.
  • 8 oz of GT's Kombucha 
  • Animal protein such as smoked salmon, sardines, or raw or rare buffalo or bison

12 p.m.
  • Piece of fruit, or 1/2 cup of applesauce, or 1 cup of vegetable and/or fruit juice (carrot, lemon, spinach, parsley, apple, garlic, for instance) 
  • 2 oz of beef or chicken with cup of bone broth as a soup
  • 1-2 T of coconut oil
  • 6 oz of non-starchy vegetable (only if needed) 
  • Sauerkraut juice (only if needed)  
  • Homemade sour cream made in yogurt maker (only if needed)  

3:00 p.m.
  • Winter squash with coconut oil and Celtic Sea Salt 
  • Smoked salmon or canned fish
6:00 p.m.
  • Steak or another dinner meat
  • 6 oz of non-starchy vegetables (only if needed)   
  • Second half of the kombucha

Other possible snacks:
  • fermented vegetables with black bean chips
  • grated, raw carrot salad with olive oil, apple cider vinegar, and lemon

  • Liver: how do we recover liver health?
  • Adrenal glands: how do we recover adrenal health?
We began to support Rebecka's liver and adrenal glands with a OHN REAL Herbal Tonic containing rehmannia, echinacea, ashwagandha, and licorice root. This herbal formula addresses adrenal health, afternoon cravings, waking at 1 a.m., blood sugar regulation, pancreatic restoration, bowel health, immunity, and bacterial and parasitic issues.
  • Take 1 tsp with breakfast, 1 tsp with 9:30 a.m. snack, and 1 tsp with lunch


For the first enema in the series, rotate the two made-for-enema soaps. During week one, use the Frankincense and Myrrh Goat Milk Soap; during week two, use the Chamomile and Clary Sage Goat Milk Soap.

For the second enema in the series, rotate lavender, Thieves, Raven, Di-Gize, OHN Colon Cleanse Essential Oil Blend, ImmuPower, Melrose, and Aroma Siez essential oils. Use the Body Feedback Method for determining which oil or oil blend would work best for you each week. 

For the third enema in the series, take a coffee enema using 1-2 cups of water and 1 tsp. of made-for-enema coffee.

Three to five times per week, on the days you have not taken an enema, use the same oil or oil blend in a suppository at bedtime.

If you need this level of individual support,
I would be honored to work with you!

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January 22, 2014

The Dilemma of Constipation While Pregnant (Client Letter)

I can't recall the number of times that I have googled "are enemas safe during pregnancy?". I have never found a meaningful answer to my question. I found lots of commentary and concerns that enemas can trigger uterine contractions, and therefore are risky during pregnancy.

In my first pregnancy I suffered terribly from constipation. I resorted to frequent use of glycerine suppositories to get my bowel to eliminate. Not a good solution!

When I was pregnant with my second child I again experienced constipation. This time the constipation triggered uterine contractions, once at 25 weeks and again around 30 weeks. I was hospitalized each time as a result of the contractions caused by the constipation. Based on these experiences I do agree that bowel spasms can trigger uterine spasms. My "treatment" was a Panadine Forte -- which unfortunately made me even more constipated. Following the hospital stays I decided to try an at-home enema to prevent the build-up and constipation as well as preventing any further uterine contractions. This approach worked for me.

I read Kristina's book, Ten Days to Optimal Health, and watched some how-to videos to find out how to do an enema. I was extremely cautious and slow with my enema experimentation. I used comfortably warm water and only allowed a small amount of fluid into my bowel at slow intervals so that my bowel could adjust and be completely comfortable with the enema. I did the enemas while soaking in an Epsom salt bath and I quickly felt very relaxed doing enemas. The enemas gave me immense relief and helped me to avoid constipation. I did not have any further uterine contractions and my baby was born at full term, with a wonderful natural birth.

How can I have a pregnancy without constipation?

My question is now, how can I have another child without suffering from the problems caused by poor elimination and inadequate detoxification?

A bit more about my background: I have suffered from constipation for years and years. I adopted a whole foods diet, following the principles of Weston A. Price about 4 years ago. The diet change rapidly improved my immunity and the recurring thrush, viral, throat infections and urinary tract infections that I had suffered from for years disappeared. Unfortunately the diet change did not solve my constipation issues.

With much experimentation I found that I can live free from constipation by eating liberal amounts of saturated fats (fermented cod liver oil, coconut oil, duck and chicken egg yolks, avocado and other fats), including 2 to 3 cups of gelatinous bone broth each day, strictly limiting the amount of cooked protein I eat to around 120 grams per day, eating fresh salads with herbs, avoiding all grains, starches, nuts and seeds, including a liquid magnesium supplement, soaking in Epsom salt and clay baths and getting plenty of exercise.

I no longer need to use enemas to help relieve constipation; the formula above works to get my body eliminating.

We are hoping to have another baby. Recently as part of our preconception care my doctor tested me for MTHFR. I tested positive with two defective genes (I am MTHFR C667T homozygous), which means my body does not metholate effectively. In very simple terms my body is only 10 to 20% effective at detoxifying, instead of 100% effective. Many people suffer symptoms from MTHFR gene mutations without knowing they have a problem. You can be tested for MTHFR through blood tests or through saliva tests (e.g.,

I have been prescribed supplements to help my body to improve methylation, and in addition to the supplements I have started following the recommendations from an MTHFR expert, Dr. Lynch of

One of the tools Dr. Lynch recommends for detoxification and to help MTHFR sufferers is coffee enemas. I started using enemas again last year to do coffee enemas. I am amazed at the physical difference and calmness I have experienced from regular coffee enemas. They also allow me to make lifestyle and diet changes without suffering from detox symptoms. I have started experimenting with adding geranium to my coffee enemas as it increases glutathione levels. So far I love it. It smells beautiful and makes me feel good.

So, what is the answer to the pregnancy constipation dilemma? There is no definitive answer, and one person's medicine is another person's poison. No one can make guarantees about what will cause a pregnancy to go smoothly. There may be risks of uterine contractions triggered by bowel spasms. My experience and personal choice would be to use enemas if I need them in a future pregnancy. I feel that the risks of doing an enema at home, in a relaxed state, slowly and peacefully, are very, very low. That said, I would also choose to eat raw egg yolks and raw meat during a pregnancy, which I also consider very low risk (as long as they are sourced from reliable farmers). For some women my "low risk" choices would be seen as very high risk. I think that the dilemma of constipation during pregnancy is a matter of considering your risk appetite, choosing what you are prepared to experiment with and being calm and peaceful in your actions.

A final word about raising babies and children on organic whole foods diets

It is amazingly hard work to source fresh organic whole foods, cook almost everything from scratch, make bone broth, ferment sauerkraut, and cover the enormous cost of eating this way (compared to cheap, processed grain-based foods). It is also very hard work convincing young children that eating bread and cake is bad for their health and will damage their facial and physical development as well as compromise their immunity... and that taking fermented cod liver oil, drinking stock and eating caviar is a good idea! My experience is that it is worth it. It is early days for me as my children are still young, and I certainly do not have all of the answers. So far I feel that the results are worth the effort. My youngest has never been sick, he has beautiful big eyes, big white teeth, a gorgeous smile and a very sharp mind. My eldest has never been sick, but has had some dental decay (which is a form of illness and compromised immunity). My kids exist in the world, have contact with school kids and exposure to others. Their immunity seems strong. I don't believe they would be as they are if they were raised on a diet which included processed foods, processed sugar and processed grains. I am grateful for what I have learned, for the wisdom shared by Weston A. Price, Kristina Amelong, and other authors, and I pray each day that my children, my husband and I continue to be blessed with health.


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January 21, 2014

Coffee Enemas: The Importance of Glutathione

Coffee enemas are well known to relieve pain, nausea, general nervous tension, and depression. Coffee enemas, by lowering blood serum toxin levels, are also thought to increase cell energy production, enhance tissue health, and improve blood circulation, immunity, tissue repair, and cellular regeneration. Again, it is thought that coffee enemas support the body in these ways, in part by increasing glutathione levels in the blood stream.

Glutathione reacts with free radicals (which cause cell damage) in the bloodstream and makes them inert. These neutralized substances are then dissolved in the bile, released through the bile flow from the liver and gallbladder, and excreted through the intestinal tract.

In 2012, researchers Sabuncuoğlu S and Söhretoğlu D, from the Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Hacettepe University, in Ankara, Turkey, found that geranium also enhances glutathione levels in the blood stream.

This is fantastic news for a number of reasons:
  1. Many people are sensitive to caffeine. Caffeine is what increases the glutathione levels with the coffee enemas. Thus, geranium can be used instead of the coffee enema.

  2. For those who aren't sensitive to caffeine in the coffee enema, you can add geranium to your coffee enema for a greater benefit.

  3. Science, through geranium, is affirming that the healing concepts behind the coffee enema – raising glutathione levels – are effective for improving health. I propose that this blog post begin a conversation with the TV show "My Strange Addiction" and its Dr. Roshini Rajapaksa regarding negative statements made about the coffee enema. Coffee enemas are an effective healing tool. I have worked with thousands of people who have relied on the coffee enema for healing. Many of them have reported that the coffee enema has saved their life. Let's seriously look into the science behind raising glutathione levels.

  4. People who don't have enough time to take coffee enemas can use geranium suppositories.

To use geranium essential oil in place of a coffee enema, first prepare the colon with the first two enemas in the series. Then, in 1-2 quarts of filtered water, mix one teaspoon of Celtic Sea Salt and 4-6 drops of Geranium Essential Oil or 5-20 drops of our Coffee Enema Essential Oil Blend per quart of water.

Please pass this blog post along to your friends. The negative press around the coffee enema means that we need to spread the word of their effectiveness one person at a time. You could save a life.

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January 19, 2014

How to Stop Hair Loss and Regenerate New Hair With Essential Oils

Hair loss can occur for a variety of reasons, ranging from imbalanced hormones and stress to chemical damage to seemingly genetic factors. Fortunately, there is a chance you can stop hair loss and potentially regenerate new hair with essential oils and scalp massage.

Research Studies for Thyme, Rosemary, Lavender, and Cedarwood Essential Oils:

Aberdeen Royal Infirmary Hair Loss Study In 1998, Scottish dermatologist Dr. Isabelle C. Hay and a team of researchers from the Department of Dermatology at the Aberdeen Royal Infirmary studied the effect of essential oils on 86 patients who suffered from hair loss. The double-blind, controlled study took place over a seven month active period with follow-ups at three and seven months after the treatment.

Researchers divided the 86 patients into two groups – active and control. Over a seven-month period, the active group massaged an essential oil recipe onto their scalps daily for two minutes. The control group used the carrier oils jojoba and grapeseed only.

Dr. Hay and the research team found that essential oils safely stop hair loss as well as stimulate hair growth.
  • 19 of the 43 patients in the active group demonstrated significant improved hair growth.
  • Only 6 of the 41 patients in the control group showed some slight improvement.
  • One man in the active group grew a full head of hair after being completely bald.
View Abstract

Many of our Optimal Health Network clients struggle with hair loss, so we decided to see if we could stop hair loss and regenerate new hair.

Meet Greta: How to Help Stop Hair Loss and Promote Hair Regeneration with Essential Oils

CLIENT TESTIMONIAL FROM GRETA: "My hair loss has just really, really slowed! I went from losing about 100 hairs a day to 15 or 20… I am amazed because I am rubbing over a white comforter cover, and I have maybe six hairs fall out. If I did that [3 months ago] I would probably have 20 hairs fall out, so it's really slowed down!... My hair's growing a lot faster than it used to and I am slowly starting to get more hair, especially around my hairline. It's really exciting!"

Optimal Health Network Hair Regeneration Oil Blend Recipe:
As explained in the video above, here's how to use this recipe:
  • Either use a small glass oil dispenser jar and mix a large batch for future use or mix enough for a single use in a small bowl (use a total of 8-10 drops of essential oil blend per scalp massage).
  • Combine the desired amount of essential oil blend with ¼ that amount of the carrier oil (for a 4:1 ratio). For example, if you mix a single use with 8-10 drops, you should add 2-3 drops of base oil. If you mix a larger quantity of 100 drops, add roughly 25 drops of the base oil. NOTE: Most base oils are difficult to measure in drop quantity, so an estimate is fine. Also, coconut oil may need to be heated and melted before mixing and before each use if it is kept at a low enough temperature.
  • Shake or the oils together to mix the recipe. If mixing single use in a bowl, use fingers to mix and apply directly to scalp.
  • Always mix essential oils with a carrier oil. Undiluted essential oils are too harsh on the scalp.
  • Apply the essential oil recipe to the scalp when the hair is dry for the best distribution.
  • Massage oil into small section at a time. Dip fingers into the oil mixture at the beginning of each section and when they become dry. (For detailed instructions and demonstration, watch the above video.)
As shown in the scientific study, this process is not guaranteed to work for everyone or for all types of hair loss. If you do not notice slowed hair loss and/or increased new hair growth within 3 months, consider a consultation with Kristina Amelong. Hair grows in three different cycles: anagen, catagen, and telogen. These hair growth cycles don't work well with hormone imbalance. Standard Process's Symplex F and protomorphogens and MediHerb's liquid herbs like Ashwaganda and Rehmannia, along with a therapeutic colon cleanse program, will help to balance your overall hormonal levels - pituitary, hypothalamus, progesterone, estrogen, etc - which all play a role in the hair cycle.

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DISCLAIMER: This blog and any linked material are presented for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or prescribing from a licensed healthcare professional. Nothing contained in or accessible from this blog should be considered a medical diagnosis, promise of benefits, claim of cure, legal warranty, or guarantee of results to be achieved. When you purchase any product from Optimal Health Network, Inc., we must presume that it is for personal use under the direct supervision of your medical doctor. Never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this blog or in any linked material. Consult with a licensed healthcare professional before altering or discontinuing any current medications, treatment, or care, or starting any diet, exercise, cleansing, or supplementation program, or if you have or suspect you might have a health condition that requires medical attention. The United States Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated any statement, claim, or representation made on this blog.

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